Add table styling options (alternating rows, borders, cell color, etc)
Kara Rogan
I like that when I insert tables it alternates the color by a lighter/darker variation. But I'd like to be able to edit the color of my table, instead of it being the same color as my card background. For example, I'd like to be able to change the color of the top row of my table to highlight the labels of each column.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Table Enhancements – Manual Row/Column Resizing, Color Customization, and Automatic Multi-Page Splitting
Slavomír Kožúšek
I’ve been using Gamma and truly appreciate its simplicity and efficiency in creating presentations. However, I’ve encountered some limitations when working with tables. I’d like to propose a few improvements that would significantly enhance usability:
Manual row and column resizing – Currently, it’s not possible to adjust the size of individual cells, which limits flexibility in organizing content.
Table color customization – The ability to change background colors, borders, or highlight specific rows/columns would improve readability and help visually differentiate data.
Automatic multi-page table splitting – When working with large tables (such as pricing tables, reports, or proposals), they often get cut off across pages in an unstructured way. It would be great if Gamma could automatically adjust and split tables to maintain a consistent design across pages.
Custom table styles for individual pages – Similar to how CSS can be customized for a specific section on a website, this would allow users to format tables uniquely per page without affecting the entire presentation.
I believe these enhancements would greatly expand Gamma’s capabilities and benefit many users who rely on tables in their presentations.
Thank you for considering this request, and I look forward to any feedback! 😊
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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TABLES - borders and shading
Vanessa Badaraco
Please can there be an option to thicken/darken Table borders (cells and outside)? And can there be an option to edit the shading of every alternative row? I use gamma to create interactive documents (as PDFs) but my students prefer to handwrite. When scaffolding content/helping them chunk information, tables are great. But they find writing on the rows that are shaded, hard in print form.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Tables - borders for cells (black border) and no alternate fill
Vanessa Badaraco
Please can there be a function to include black borders for tables/cells and to be able to customise cells so the alternative rows are not shaded/filled in with colour? This doesn't translate well when printing - very faint, and it is hard to delineate between rows/columns/cells when writing in without any black borders.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Change the layout of a table
Georg Mekras
It would be great if you could change the layout of a table (colors and lines).