Page numbering, headers, and footers
in progress
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Complete company template
Vinicius Gaensly
today it is not possible to adjust the image with the logo of the template. it can only be located at the side of the slide, and to my company I need to have it in the top.
also to every slide I need to have a footer, page number, it is not also possible to add it in the configuration page of the templates.
fonts are not possible depending on the subscription, this is a big limitation.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
hi Vinicius Gaensly this is in progress. Give this a try and let me know if you have any feedback:
Vinicius Gaensly
Nik Payne (Gamma design) really great nik! that is what we were looking for, any planned date when it will be released to production?
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
Vinicius Gaensly: It's being developed. I imagine a month or so
Vinicius Gaensly
Nik Payne (Gamma design) great to hear! congrats
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
Merged in a post:
Page Number
孟勳 謝
Can I add page number to my card?
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
This is coming soon!
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Custom header and footer
Professor Ronaldo
It could have a header and footer feature, allowing the placement of customized images and texts. I currently generate the Gamma in PDF and add the header and footer.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
hi Professor Ronaldo, I'm working on this right now! If you're comfortable speaking english grab some time on my calendar:
Akil Bhagat
This is vital to share decks with investors. Please add asap.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
Akil Bhagat: workin on it!
Akil Bhagat
Nik Payne (Gamma design) Awesome!
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Sean K.
Gamma should include the option to add page numbers. When students present reports, almost all professors expect page numbers, or the students using Gamma would receive lower scores than they deserve due to the lack of page numbers…
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
Sean K. This is in progress. I'm going to merge this into our larger post
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
Merged in a post:
Page Numbers and Disclaimers
Alli Rubin
There should be a way to turn on/off page numbers - right now we'd have to manually add them. Also, for sensitive content we want to add a disclaimer to every page - similar to a footer.
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