Improve the website navbar (make it sticky, change color)
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Order of the navigation bar buttons.
Aldenora Ximenes
Add the ability to sort the navigation bar buttons.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Enable a floating heading bar for scrolling
Noel Crabbe
Enable a floating heading bar for scrolling
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Header of Website
Efora IO
It would be great to have traditional options at the top of the website. In the top left, i'd like to just put plain text like the name of my website and a navigation option to the different cards
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Ability to change the color of my website's navbar
Melissae E. (Gamma Designer)
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Sticky Navigation bei Website!
kai hattermann
Sticky navigation on website! Please include the option to make the navigation sticky! This is essential for websites!!
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Nav Bar/Button Stickiness
Kevin Bas
I've mentioned this before, but I want to mention it again just in case it got lost in the tons of other suggestion additions. There needs to be some sort of stickiness option for buttons/nav bar. This 100% will help land us more customers. Keep the Order Now button, or Nav Bar in an easy to access location (top or bottom) on the screen while the customer scrolls.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Please add Stickiness on Scroll to various items, like Nav bar and Buttons.
Kevin Bas
There needs to be an option for a button, navigation bar, or header/footer to stick to screen on scroll. For example, the gamma page I created ( has an Order Now button. If that would stick to the top of the screen on scroll, I could have the opportunity to land more customers due to easier access for the customer as they scroll through our long page.
Jan Hýbl
yes please, give us the option to make the navbar sticky
Anes Mohamed
Yes absolutely. At least three new options regarding this:
- Always showing.
- Shows when scrolling.
- Option to add arrow on the bottom left corner so the visitor can scroll all the way back up.
Anes Mohamed
Yes absolutely. Option to stick nav bar when scrolling and option for the nav bar to appear at least when we start scrolling up on the website. Navigation is is very tedious to navigate at the moment.
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